Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Waiting and "Wauffers"

Kai's loose tooth has been driving him nuts! This is his second one to loose, so I think knowing how it feels to lose one was holding him back from wanting it out of his mouth. It's been loose for about a month. I'm not sure how he was still eating all that he was. Last night, he panicked because it was practically laying on it's side and he was worried he'd swallow it during the night. I assured him that the Tooth Fairy was used to these kind of situations and that she would still know to do her fairy duty. She leaves a dollar, which is also what she apparently leaves the other kids in his class.

So, Kai woke up during the night (will I have a night without a child or dog or whatever waking me some day?) with a headache and said his tooth was bothering him. I'm thinking the tooth was causing the headache, mentally and physically. I gave him some Tylenol and that was that. Today, he came home from school, over the moon with happiness! His tooth just fell out during free time, while sitting at the orange table. So, off to the office for the tooth necklace he went, happy as a lark! He was so happy to be able to eat dinner normally tonight!
He is trying to pose in a way that shows off his absent tooth. His shirt is funny, considering the situation. It says, "If you're weak, take a seat!" LOL!

Last night, he came into the living room at around bedtime and asked if he could have some wauffers. I said, "Do you mean waffles? No, the kitchen is closed. We'll have waffles this weekend." He said, "No, those nilla wauffers you got at the store." I was really perplexed and then busted out laughing so hard! He has been reading since he was 4 1/2 and I can totally see how you would read "wafers" (with a long "a") as "wauffers" (with a short "a")! I told him from now on, they are officially "wauffers" in our house, which he thought was totally funny! Also, since the poor kid didn't recognize the Nilla Wafers box without reading it, you know we need to increase the junk food around here or branch out a bit more! LOL! Anyway, I gave him a big ole bowl of wauffers.


Amy...who wanted 4. said...

Savannah will be joining that toothless club soon. Boo hoo!!!
But good for him!!! :)

Jeanette said...

Congratulations! I know how painful it can be to watch that tooth wiggling all around for so long. Wait until he has an upper front tooth dangling...ewww!!!