Well...I tried for an hour to get the video that wouldn't load in Russia to load here and it still wouldn't load. Normally they take about a minute, so I don't know what's going on with it. These are some pictures from Trip 2. Something to tide you all over until we can take more pictures late next week and finally bring home the real thing on the 29th!
As you can see, Cassiana is quite mobile, so I am going to finish the baby proofing this weekend! :)
It's amazing how much Cassiana looks like Kai's baby picture at about the same age. They have the same nose, chin, cheeks and very similar eye shape. Cassiana has much darker eyes and hair. Paka! (Goodbye!)
She is just too cute. Hope the trips aren't too exhausting. I know they are so worth it. Have a wonderful time in Moscow!
She has the most beautiful smile!
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